60T-1.006. Defined Contribution Plans  

Effective on Thursday, February 23, 1995
  • 1(1) Each plan sponsor of a local retirement system or plan defined as other than those requiring actuarial reports shall provide, on an annual basis, that information necessary to gather, catalog and maintain complete information to the Division.

    39(2) The disclosure of information may be prepared as of the plan anniversary date or as of the plan sponsor’s fiscal year ending date and shall minimally contain the following:

    69(a) Plan Description (initial report only)

    751. Contribution formula

    78a. Plan sponsor

    81b. Member

    832. Vesting schedule

    863. Normal retirement date

    904. Member eligibility

    935. Beginning date of plan year – annually

    1016. Plan sponsor

    1047. Plan administrator

    1078. A copy of the Internal Revenue Service letter approving the plan as tax qualified, and all changes thereto. The specific Internal Revenue Code sections under which the plan operates.

    1379. Copy of plan document, ordinances, contracts and any enactment or other legal statement regarding funding and administration.

    155(b) Source of funds

    1591. Plan sponsor

    1622. Members

    1643. Other

    166(c) A statement describing each change and/or amendment, if any, to the plan, since the last report, including a copy of all applicable legal instruments and IRS approval letters.

    195(d) A signed and dated statement of the plan administrator verifying the completeness and accuracy of the report, including a statement that there has been no change since the last report, if applicable.

    228Rulemaking Authority 230112.665(1) FS. 232Law Implemented 234112.665 FS. 236History–New 8-15-84, Formerly 22D-1.06, 22D-1.006, Amended 2-23-95.


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