61B-30.008. Provider Filing and Curriculum for Educational and Training Programs

Effective on Monday, March 14, 2016
  • 1(1) Anyone seeking to be a division approved mobile home education provider shall file with the division the educational materials required by Section 24723.006(14)(a), F.S.

    26(2) All materials must be submitted to the division via e-mail to 38CTMH.BdMbrCertProviders@myfloridalicense.com, 39by providing access to web-based training programs, or in either printed form or CD ROM format to the following address:

    59Department of Business and Professional Regulation

    65Division of Florida Condominiums, Timeshares, and Mobile Homes

    732601 Blair Stone Road

    77Tallahassee, FL 32399-1030

    80(3) Programs shall cover at least four of the following topics in order to meet the requirements of an educational curriculum for a mobile home education program as provided in Section 111723.006(14), F.S.113:

    114(a) Homeowners’ Association statutory rights and regulatory responsibilities to the association and the mobile home owners.

    130(b) Elections.

    132(c) Financial reporting.

    135(d) Association operations.

    138(e) Records maintenance, including mobile home owner access to records.

    148(f) Dispute resolution.

    151(g) Homeowners’ Association Formation.

    155(4) Programs and materials shall not contain editorial comments.

    164(5) Within 45 days from receipt of the materials, the division shall notify the provider of any deficiencies or that the materials have been approved. If the notice is not given within 45 days from receipt of the materials, the materials are deemed approved.

    208(6) The provider shall have 45 days from the date of the division’s notification of deficiencies to correct such deficiencies. If the deficiencies are not corrected within the 45-day period, the division shall reject the filing.

    244(7) Within 20 days from receipt of the corrections to the noted deficiencies, the division shall notify the provider of any deficiencies or that the materials have been approved. If the notice is not given within 20 days from receipt of the corrections, the materials are deemed approved.

    292(8) Approved materials may be provided to participants via web-based training programs, seminars, or printed media.

    308(9) The division will maintain a list of approved programs and providers on the Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s website at 330http://www.myfloridalicense.com/dbpr/lsc/condominiums/CondoEducation.html331.

    332(10) The division reserves the right to require changes to approved education and training programs.

    347(11) The provider will issue a certificate of completion to a board member who has successfully completed the approved educational curriculum.

    368Rulemaking Authority 370723.006(7) FS. 372Law Implemented 374723.006(12), 375(13), (14) FS. History–New 3793-14-16.


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