61J1-2.003. Inactive Renewal  

Effective on Monday, January 16, 2012
  • 1(1) An inactive registrant, licensee or certificate holder may elect to renew as active by submitting a request, proof of continuing education and the fees established in Rule 2961J1-2.001, 30Florida Administrative Code. The education requirement for renewal does not apply to appraisal management company registrations.

    46(2) When the total period of inactive status exceeds 4 years, the registration, license or certification shall automatically expire per Section 67475.619(2), F.S. 69Two years prior to the expiration, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall give notice by mail to the last known address of the registrant, licensee or certificate holder.

    99Rulemaking Authority 101475.614 FS. 103Law Implemented 105475.619 FS. 107History–New 10-15-91, Formerly 21VV-2.003, Amended 1-16-12.


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