62-807.400. Application for Corridor Certification, Recipients  

Effective on Tuesday, March 3, 2015
  • 1(1) Applications for certification shall follow the format 9and shall be supported by information and technical studies, as prescribed by Section 22403.94055, F.S.

    24(a) 25The applicant shall provide a preliminary listing of agencies entitled to notice and submittals of the application or precertification amendments. The applicant shall consult with the Department to determine who shall be in receipt of the certification application or precertification amendments for Department use.

    69(b) The applicant shall consult with each agency identified in Section 80403.9411(4)(a), F.S., 82to determine who should be in receipt of the application for those agencies to conduct their reviews.

    99(c) Prior to application filing, the applicant may request a meeting between the applicant, the Department and any potentially interested statutory party to define the scope of those entities’ interests and the information they will need to perform the review.

    139(2) The application shall provide information concerning the corridor, including maps delineating the precise boundary of the corridor, 157the beginning and end points of the corridor 165and the locations of the corridor that fall within existing rights-of-way if fee reductions under the provisions of Section 184403.9421, F.S., 186are sought.

    188(3) Applications shall also include:

    193(a) Information supporting any request for a variance, exception, exemption or other relief from the non-procedural standards or rules of the Department or from the standards or rules of any other agency, as provided by Section 229403.941(2)(b), F.S., 231including the reasons justifying such relief, and the condition which the applicant seeks to have included in the certification on this issue.

    253(b) Information describing the works or properties of any agency that the applicant seeks to use, connect to, or cross over, and the intended use.

    278(c) Even though an applicant may elect to propose a corridor which overlaps with another company’s corridor undergoing certification or other licensing which may provide similar information, the applicant shall still provide in its application the full information required by this section for that overlapping segment, to assure that agencies receive sufficient, up-to-date information.

    332(4) An applicant may choose at its option to propose segments of more than one corridor in the original application, known as secondary corridors. If information on more than one corridor is included in the application, the applicant must clearly identify the primary corridor, versus any secondary corridor segments.

    381(5) In order for an application to be deemed filed with the Department, the appropriate application fee prescribed under Section 401403.9421, F.S., 403and Rule 40562-807.660, 406F.A.C., 407must be submitted to the Department by the applicant. 416Submittal of the fee is a condition precedent to any further consideration or action on the application by the Department.

    436Rulemaking Authority 438403.9404(1) FS. 440Law Implemented 403.094055, 443403.9407, 444403.9415 FS. 446History–New 8-12-93, Formerly 17-807.400, Amended 3-3-15.


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