64B2-13.0045. Requirement for Continuing Education Courses in HIV/AIDS and Prevention of Medical Errors  

Effective on Sunday, June 24, 2018
  • 1(1) Continuing Education in HIV/AIDS. Pursuant to section 9456.033, F.S., 11no later than first licensure renewal, each licensee shall complete and submit confirmation to the Board that he or she has successfully completed a Board-approved course on Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS).

    47(a) To receive Board approval, courses on HIV/AIDS shall consist of at least (3) hours of classroom instruction.

    65(b) For the purpose of compliance with this rule, a licensee may submit confirmation of having taken an online attendance continuing education course provided such course complies with the requirements of subsection 9764B2-13.004(3), 98F.A.C.

    99(c) HIV/AIDS hours completed to satisfy the requirement of this rule may be used by the licensee for purposes of satisfying the forty (40) hour requirement of subsection 12764B2-13.004(1), 128F.A.C.

    129(2) Continuing Education on Prevention of Medical Errors. Pursuant to section 140456.013(7), F.S., 142as part of the biennial license renewal process, each licensee shall attend and certify attending a Board-approved two (2) hours continuing education course relating to the prevention of medical errors which shall count toward the total number of continuing education hours required for license renewal.

    187Rulemaking Authority 189456.013, 190456.033, 191460.408(3) FS. 193Law Implemented 195456.033, 196456.013(7) FS. 198History–New 5-2-89, Amended 1-28-90, Formerly 21D-13.0045, Amended 10-26-93, Formerly 61F2-13.0045, 59N-13.0045, Amended 5-5-02, 2-12-07, 9-8-16, 6-24-18.


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