65C-14.124. Licensing Process and Procedures (Transferred)  

Effective on Wednesday, May 26, 2021
  • 1(1) Group Home Inquiries.

    5(a) The Regional Licensing Authority shall provide licensing requirements and quality expectations to individuals inquiring about group home licensure.

    24(b) Complaints against group care providers shall be addressed by the licensing team who maintains oversight of the provider or the community-based care agency as appropriate. 

    50(2) License Issuance.

    53(a) The Regional Licensing Authority shall upload the required licensing documents, as outlined in Rule 6865C-14.003, 69F.A.C., to the state’s official system of record.

    77(b) The Regional Licensing Authority shall conduct a review of the application packet, facility, and all required documentation to ensure compliance with all rules in Chapter 65C-14, F.A.C., prior to issuance of a license.

    111(c) A license is only valid for the facility documented on the license for the length of 12 months.

    130(d) The relicensing process shall begin 90 days prior to the expiration of a license.

    145(e) A license shall be issued for the child-caring agency program type based on the population served and services provided, as indicated in the program description. A single license can not be issued for mulitple setting/program types.

    182(f) Public institutions that meet criteria to become licensed shall indicate their specific child-caring agency setting type.

    199(3) Changes During the Licensing Year. 

    205(a) Child-caring agencies that undergo a change in ownership shall submit a new application for license, in addition to all personnel screening requirements outlined in Rule 23165C-14.023, 232F.A.C. Contact information shall be updated in the the state’s official system of record.

    246(b) Child-caring agencies who undergo a change in the license setting type shall submit a new application for license. Program policies shall be updated to reflect changes to the program setting.

    277(c) Child-caring agenices that undergo a change in business name or change of address 291but with the same owner/executive director 297shall submit a new application for license. The Regional Licensing Authority shall amend and reissue the child-caring agency license.

    316(4) Corrective Action Plans.

    320(a) The Regional Licensing Authority may issue a written corrective action plan (CAP) for a child-caring agency who is not in compliance with licensing standards, as set forth in this rule chapter, that do not pose an immediate threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the children. 368Corrective action plans shall be created for agencies that have the ability to understand and correct the infraction.

    386(b) Corrective action plans shall include the description of licensing violation(s) or deficiency, the 400expected corrective action, and the time frame for completion 409and deadline for corrective action.

    414(c) The Regional Licensing Authority and child-caring agency shall review and sign the corrective action plan and a copy shall be uploaded in the state’s official system of record.

    443(d) The Regional Licensing Authority may prohibit admission of youth into a home or facility as a provision of the corrective action plan.

    466(e) Failure to comply with the corrective action plan within the time specified in the plan may result in denial of relicensure and/or revocation of the license.

    493(5) Dual Licensure.

    496(a) The Regional Licensing Authority may issue a license for a child-caring agency that maintains licensure with a licensing authority outside of the Department. Such entities may include, but are not limited to, providers licensed by Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) or the Agency for Healthcare Administration (AHCA).

    545(6) Other Licensing Standards.

    549(a) Each Regional Licensing Authority shall issue and maintain all child-caring agency licenses for providers who are geographically located in their service region.

    572(b) Child-caring agency providers who have multiple homes or facilities across different regions shall obtain a license from the Regional Licensing Authority in which the home or facility is located.

    602(7) Exemptions from Licensure.

    606(a) The licensing requirements of this chapter do not apply to facilities operated under provisions outlined in Section 624409.176, F.S.

    626(b) The Regional Licensing Authority shall report to the Department any concerns or allegations received on a provider that is registered under Section 649409.176, F.S.

    651(8) Qualified Residential Treatment Program (QRTP) Credential

    658(a) Credential 660packets shall be uploaded into the states official system of record.

    671(b) 672The Regional Licensing Authority shall conduct a review of the application packet and all required documentation to ensure compliance with Rule 65C-14.121, F.A.C., prior to issuance of a license.701The expiration date must align with the expiration date of the state license issued by AHCA.

    717Rulemaking Authority 719409.175(5) FS. 721Law Implemented 723409.175 FS. 725History–New 7265-26-21.