9B-24.014. Required Records and Reports (Transferred)  

Effective on Wednesday, November 20, 1985
  • 1(1) From the effective date of the WAP subgrant contract, DCA-WAP Form 1, October, 1985, incorporated herein by this reference, each subgrantee must submit on a monthly basis, the following reports:

    32(a) One copy of the Building Weatherization Report, DCA-WAP Form 2, October, 1985, incorporated herein by this reference, for each dwelling unit on which work has been completed.

    60(b) Financial Status Report, DCA-WAP Form 3, October, 1985, incorporated herein by this reference.

    74(c) Weatherization Assistance Progress Report, DCA-WAP Form 4, October, 1985, incorporated herein by this reference.

    89(d) Personnel Data Sheet for Direct Hire Public Assistance Recipients, DCA-WAP Form 5, October, 1985, incorporated herein by this reference.

    109(2) Units of local government and Indian Tribes shall provide an audit in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-128.

    131(3) The subgrantee shall submit a contract close-out within 45 days of the contract termination date. Failure to submit the close-out and refunds due to the Department for unspent funds will result in suspension of payments under current weatherization contracts or ineligibility to receive future funding until such time as the refund or close-out is submitted and approved by the Department.

    192Specific Authority 194120.53(1), 195163.03(3) FS. Law Implemented 163.03 FS. History–New 11-20-85, Formerly 9B-24.14.