Certificates of Competency, Scope, Inspection Requirements, Requirements for New Installations, Repairs
Division of State Fire Marshal
69A-51.020Certificates of Competency
69A-51.050Inspection Requirements
69A-51.060Requirements for New Installations
Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 47 No. 10, January 15, 2021 issue of the Florida Administrative Register.
69A-51.020 Certificates of Competency; Training Course; Renewals.
(1) through (3) No change.
(4) Special boiler inspectors.
(a) A certificate of competency designating a special boiler inspector will be issued by the chief boiler inspector upon application by an authorized inspection agency. An application must be submitted on Form DFS-K3-404, Application for Original and Renewal Certificate of Competency for Special Boiler and Deputy Boiler Inspectors (Rev. 05/21 01/18), which is hereby incorporated by reference, and available at the following link: <insert DOS website address>; or on the Department’s website at: http://www.myfloridacfo.com/division/sfm/bfp/boilersafety/; or by contacting the Boiler Safety Program, Bureau of Fire Prevention, Division of State Fire Marshal, 325 John Knox Road, Third Floor, Atrium Building, Tallahassee, Florida 32303, Phone: (850)413-3614/3723.
(b) No change.
(c) The certificate of competency of a special boiler inspector remains in effect only so long as the special boiler inspector is employed by an authorized inspection agency and expires on December 31 of each year. Upon termination of employment, the authorized inspection agency must give written notice by email to the chief boiler inspector (boiler.safety@myfloridacfo.com) within 15 days following the date of termination.
(5) Deputy boiler inspectors.
(a) No change.
(b) An application must be submitted on Form DFS-K3-404, Application for Original and Renewal Certificate of Competency for Special Boiler and Deputy Boiler Inspectors, which is incorporated by reference in subsection (4).
(c) No change.
(6) through (8) No change.
Rulemaking Authority 554.1021(2), 554.103, 554.104(8) FS. Law Implemented 554.1021, 554.104, 554.105, 554.106, 554.107, 554.108, 554.111, 554.114, 554.115 FS. History–New 2-27-89, Amended 7-15-98, Formerly 4A-51.020, Amended 5-26-10, __________.
The revision date for Form DFS-K3-404 was changed to 05/21 and the following paragraph was added to clarify the requirements for obtaining a certificate of competency: A certificate of competency will be issued to a person who meets the following: (a) Has successfully passed the examination administered by the NB; (b) Holds a commission from the NB; (c) Has completed the 2-hour training course required by section 554.104(4), F.S.; (d) Is employed by an authorized inspection agency or the Department; and (e) Has submitted the application form and paid the fee.
69A-51.045 Existing and New Boiler Installations in Public Assembly Locations; Exemptions.
(1) through (4) No change.
(5) No boiler shall be installed in a public assembly location in this state unless it has been constructed, inspected, and stamped in conformity with the ASME Code, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69A-51.010, F.A.C., except:
(a) through (b) No change.
(c) Coil-type hot water boilers that meet the requirements of Part PG-2.3, Section I of the ASME Code, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69A-51.010, F.A.C. without any steam space where water flashes into steam when released through a manually operated nozzle unless one of the following limitations is exceeded:
1. A 3/4'' inch diameter tubing or pipe size with no drum or headers attached; or
2. Nominal water containing capacity does not exceed six U.S. gallons; or
3. Water temperature does not exceed 350º F; or
4. Steam is not generated within the coil; or
(d) No change.
Rulemaking Authority 554.103, 554.108 FS. Law Implemented 554.103, 554.104, 554.105, 554.106, 554.107, 554.108, 554.109, 554.1101 FS. History–New 2-27-89, Formerly 4A-51.045, Amended __________.
69A-51.050 Inspection Requirements for Boilers in Public Assembly Locations.
(1) No change.
(2) Inspection requirements. Each boiler used or proposed to be used in a place of public assembly within this state, except boilers exempted under subsection 69A-51.045(5) 69A-51.045(6), F.A.C., shall be thoroughly inspected as to its construction, installation and condition as follows:
(a) through (b) No change.
(c) Hot water Hheating boilers and hot water supply boilers must receive a certificate inspection biennially with an internal inspection every four (4) years if the construction of the boiler so permits.
(d) No change.
(3) The Boiler Safety Program is responsible for providing for the safety of life, limb and property and therefore has jurisdiction over the interpretation and application of the inspection requirements as provided herein. Inspection during construction and installation shall certify as to the minimum requirements for safety as defined in the ASME Code. Inspections Inspection frequency must be conducted in accordance with the provisions of section 554.108, F.S. generally accepted practice and compatible with actual service conditions such as:
(a) Previous experience, based on records of inspection, performance, and maintenance.
(b) Location with respect to personal hazard.
(c) Quality of inspection and operating personnel.
(d) Provisions for related safe operation control.
(e) Interrelation with other operations outside the scope of this rule chapter.
(4) Based upon documentation regarding actual service conditions, the Boiler Safety Program may, in its discretion, permit variations in the inspection requirements.
(5) through (7) renumbered as (4) through (6) No change.
(7) (8) Inspection reports.
(a) Each boiler subject to inspection must be inspected within 30 days after the expiration of the boiler’s certificate of operation. An inspection report must be received by the chief boiler inspector no later than 30 days after the projected expiration date of the certificate of operation. If, upon inspection, the authorized inspector finds that a boiler is in violation of any provision of the State Boiler Code, the authorized inspector must promptly notify the owner or user and state what repairs or other corrective measures are needed. An authorized inspector shall file a written report with the chief boiler inspector on each certificate inspection within 15 days after such inspection using the following forms:
1. For the first jurisdictional inspection, a special boiler inspector shall use the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ Form NB-5, Boiler or Pressure Vessel Data Report (Rev. 1), Eff. 01/18).
2. For all subsequent inspections, a special boiler inspector shall use the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ Form NB-6, Report of Inspection (Rev. 6), Eff. 01/18).
(b) No change.
(9) through (10) renumbered as (8) through (9) No change.
(10) (11) A boiler insurance company All authorized inspection agencies shall notify the chief boiler inspector of the Boiler Safety Program by email (boiler.safety@myfloridacfo.com) within 30 days after the issuance of a new or renewal boiler and machinery insurancy policy, or the cancellation or nonrenewal of a boiler and machinery insurance policy, covering of all boiler installation risks written, cancelled, or not renewed in places of public assembly in this state.
(12) through (17) renumbered as (11) through (16) No change.
(17) (18) Notice of internal inspection of boilers. The owner or user of a boiler not exempted by chapter 554, F.S., or by Rule 69A-51.045(5) 69A-51.045(6), F.A.C., shall be given 14 days notice of an impending internal inspection, by the responsible authorized inspector. No such notice may be required for external inspections.
(19) through (23) renumbered as (18) through (22) No change.
The revision date for Form NB-5 was changed to Rev. 1 to match the revision date of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ form. The revision date for Form NB-6 was changed to Rev. 6 to match the revision date of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ form.
69A-51.060 Requirements for New Boiler Installations in Places of Public Assembly.
(1) No change.
(a) No boiler except those exempted by Rule 69A-51.045(5) 69A-51.045(6), F.A.C., may be installed in this state unless it has been constructed, inspected, stamped, and installed in conformity with the ASME Code, which is incorporated by reference in Rule 69A-51.010, F.A.C., registered with the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, and registered directly with the Boiler Safety Program by the authorized inspection agency.
(b) A boiler constructed equivalent to the required standards or having a standard stamping of another state that has adopted a standard of construction equivalent to the standards of the state of Florida may be accepted by the Department, provided, however, that the person desiring to install the boiler requests permission by email (boiler.safety@myfloridacfo.com) from the chief boiler inspector prior to installation and supplies the chief boiler inspector with the manufacturer’s data report the documentation required by Rule 69A-51.010, F.A.C., to permit the chief boiler inspector to make an informed decision.
(c) No change.
(2) through (4) No change.
Rulemaking Authority 554.103, 554.108(6) FS. Law Implemented 554.103, 554.105, 554.106, 554.107, 554.108 FS. History–New 2-27-89, Amended 10-23-00, Formerly 4A-51.060, Amended 9-30-10, 5-21-12, __________.
69A-51.075 Repairs.
(1) through (4) No change.
(5) Upon completion of repairs of an unsafe condition, the authorized inspection agency responsible for the issuance of the withheld certificate of operation shall submit a reinspection report to the chief boiler inspector. The reinspection report shall include pertinent data pertaining to the required repairs including a copy of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ Form R-1, Report of Repair (Rev. 01/28/19 12/16), if applicable, which is hereby incorporated by reference and is available at the following link: <insert DOS website address>; or from the National Board’s website at: https://www.nationalboard.org/SiteDocuments/Online%20Ordering/R-1Form_NB-66.pdf.
(6) through (11) No change.
The revision date for Form R-1 was changed to 01/28/19 to match the revision date of the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ form.