Definitions, Notification in Writing, Dealer Responsibilities, Inspection of Premises, Records, Cardroom Operator License, Cardroom Employee Occupational License, Duties of Cardroom Operators, Duties of Cardroom Employee Occupational Licensees, ...  


    Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering

    61D-11.001: Definitions
    61D-11.0025: Notification in Writing
    61D-11.004: Dealer Responsibilities
    61D-11.006: Inspection of Premises, Records
    61D-11.007: Cardroom Operator License
    61D-11.009: Cardroom Employee Occupational License
    61D-11.012: Duties of Cardroom Operators
    61D-11.013: Duties of Cardroom Employee Occupational Licensees
    61D-11.014: Cards
    61D-11.0145: Dominoes
    61D-11.016: Card Tables
    61D-11.0175: Count Rooms and Count Procedures
    61D-11.018: Reporting Requirements to Determine Net Proceeds
    61D-11.019: Internal Control System
    61D-11.025: Cardroom Electronic Surveillance
    61D-11.0279: Jackpots, Prizes, and Giveaways


    Notice is hereby given that the following changes have been made to the proposed rule in accordance with subparagraph 120.54(3)(d)1., F.S., published in Vol. 34 No. 11, March 14, 2008 issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. The changes are in response to written comments received from interested parties in the pari-mutuel industry and the Joint Administrative Procedures Committee. Changes to Rules 61D-11.012, 61D-11.0175, and 11.018, F.A.C., are a result of a Division of Administrative Hearings rule challenge, case no. 08-1310RP.

    61D-11.001 Definitions.

    (1) through (8) No change.

    (9) “Cardroom gaming area” means any area of a licensed facility designated by the cardroom operator in its floor plan in which authorized games are played or where any type of cardroom operations may occur, such as handling of cash, chips, tokens, dominoes, or cards.  The cardroom gaming area shall include entrances and exits.

    (10)(9) “Cardroom surveillance” means the capability to observe and electronically record activities being conducted in a cardroom facility.

    (11)(10) “Chips or tokens” mean a money substitute, redeemable for cash, issued and sold by a cardroom operator for use in cardroom games.

    (12)(11) “Day” means the 24-hour period that commences on the current calendar day at 6:00 a.m. and terminates at 5:59.59 a.m. the following calendar day.

    (13)(12) “Dedicated camera” means a color video camera that continuously records a specific activity.

    (14)(13) “Drop” means the total amount of money, chips, and tokens removed from the drop box.

    (15)(14) “Drop Box” means a locked container permanently marked with the number corresponding to a permanent number on the card or domino table.

    (16)(15) “Facility” means the cardroom, any storage area for card or domino tables, cards, chips, tokens, dominoes, drop boxes, tip boxes, records relating to cardroom activity, and other cardroom supplies, the count room, and imprest bank.

    (17)(16) “Game” means the completion of all betting rounds and final determination of a winner based upon the comparison of all cards dealt and held by players at the end of all betting at a table.

    (18)(17) “Hand” means the group of cards dealt to a player in a game.

    (19)(18) “Imprest bank” means the total amount of chips, tokens, and U.S. currency segregated for cardroom operation.

    (20)(19) “Imprest tray” means an area on a card table in which a predetermined dollar amount of chips, tokens, or U.S. currency is kept by the dealer.

    (21)(20) “Jackpot” means a cumulative pool of money collected from card games that is awarded to a player who holds a certain combination of cards specified by a cardroom operator.

    (22)(21) “Licensee” means a person holding any license issued by the division for purposes of cardroom operations.

    (23)(22) “Operate” means to conduct authorized games pursuant to Section 849.086, F.S., within a licensed cardroom facility. The term does not include the activities authorized in paragraph 61D-11.012(5)(c), F.A.C.

    (24)(23) “Playing light” means drawing chips or tokens from the pot to show how much a player owes when the player is out of chips or tokens in an effort to allow a player to continue without chips or tokens, until more chips or tokens are earned.

    (25)(24) “Pot” means the total amount wagered in a game or series of games of poker or dominoes.

    (26)(25) “Proposition player” means a player who is employed by a cardroom licensee, but who uses his own money to initiate or play in games.

    (27)(26) “PTZ Camera” means a light-sensitive video camera that possesses, at a minimum, pan, tilt, and zoom capabilities or features comparable thereto.

    (28)(27) “Raise” means to increase the size of the preceding bet.

    (29)(28) “Re-buy” means the additional tournament chips or tokens purchased by players according to the schedule of re-buys prominently displayed in the cardroom during tournament play.

    (30)(29) “Replenishment of chips or tokens” means in games of Texas Hold’em without a betting limit, when a player purchases additional chips or tokens above the minimum required and no more than the maximum allowed in the poker game being played.

    (31)(30) "Round of play" means, for any game of poker, the process by which cards are dealt, bets are placed and the winner is determined and paid in accordance with the rules of Chapter 61D-11, F.A.C.

    (32)(31) “Seeding the jackpot fund” means the cardroom operator contributes the initial value to start the jackpot fund. The amount of the cardroom operator’s contribution shall not be deducted from the jackpot fund prior to the award of the jackpot.

    (33)(32) “Shift” means a period of time designated by the employer during which an employee works when a licensed cardroom is open to conduct business pursuant to Rule 61D-11.012, F.A.C.

    (34)(33) “Shill” means a player in a game provided by or employed by a cardroom operator who only bets with money provided by the cardroom operator.

    (35)(34) “Showdown” means the point in a poker game in which all hands are fully revealed to all other players and the hand with the best combination becomes the winner.

    (36)(35) “Shuffle” means the process of mixing or rearranging a deck of cards to remove the probability that a predetermined series of cards may be drawn from the deck after it is mixed or rearranged.

    (37)(36) “Side bets” means additional wagers made between two or more persons on the outcome or any portion of an authorized game other than wagers authorized pursuant to Chapter 849, F.S.

    (38)(37) “Surveillance room” means a secure location in a pari-mutuel facility used for cardroom surveillance.

    (39)(38) “Surveillance system” means a system of video cameras, monitors, recorders, and other ancillary equipment used for cardroom surveillance.

    (40)(39) “Tip box” means a locked container into which all dealer tips must be inserted.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 5-9-04, ________.


    61D-11.0025 Notification in Writing.

    (1) Any written notice to the division required pursuant to Chapter 61D-11, F.A.C., shall be provided to the Office of Auditing, Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering, 1940 North Monroe Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, by email the most expeditious means available which shall include but not be limited to an email address provided by the division, facsimile to (850)488-0550, mail or hand delivery.

    (2) Any written notice from the division required pursuant to Chapter 61D-11, F.A.C., shall be provided by email, facsimile, mail or hand delivery, to the specific address retained in the division’s record of licensure the most expeditious means available which shall include but not be limited to email, facsimile, mail or hand delivery, unless otherwise specified.

    Specific Authority 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New________.


    61D-11.004 Dealer Responsibilities.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (a) Enter a card game, having come from another game table with more chips or tokens than the limit of $100, unless the player is escorted by a cardroom supervisor to the new table, because play at the previous table is terminated due to circumstances beyond the player’s control.  Procedures for such circumstances must be provided in the cardroom operator’s internal controls;

    (b) No change.

    (c) Replenish his or her chips or tokens in amounts other than multiples of $5 $10; or

    (d) through (9) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 5-9-04,________.


    61D-11.006 Inspection of Premises, Records.

    (1) through (1)(b) No change.

    1. The cardroom operator shall: The cardroom operator shall advise the division in writing pursuant to Rule 61D-11.0025, F.A.C., when the deficiencies have been corrected;

    a. Correct all deficiencies prior to requesting a re-inspection; and

    b. Request any re-inspection in writing pursuant to Rule 61D-11.0025, F.A.C.

    2. The division shall conduct a re-inspection no later than five state business days from the date of the cardroom operator’s follow-up inspection no earlier than five days from the date of the inspection during which the deficiencies were determined and no later than five days from the date of the cardroom operator written notification of correction provided in writing pursuant to Rule 61D-11.0025, F.A.C.;

    3. through (2)(f) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 5-9-04,________.


    61D-11.007 Cardroom Operator License.

    (1) No change.

    (2) An applicant for an annual cardroom license shall complete Form DBPR PMW-3160, Permitholder Application for Annual License to Operate a Cardroom, adopted and incorporated by Rule 61D-12.001, F.A.C., and Form DBPR PMW-3080, Permitholder Calendar, adopted and incorporated by Rule 61D-10.001, F.A.C., and submit a fee of $1,000.00 for each table to be operated during the license period. For cardroom facilities at which more than one pari-mutuel permit is operated during a year, table fees for the facility may be paid by one or all of the permitholders. License fees are non-refundable. For the initial cardroom license application, in addition to the application and fees submitted, the applicant shall submit its written internal control system, required by Rule 61D-11.019, F.A.C., for approval by the division, and proof of authorization by a local government pursuant to Section 849.086(16), F.S. Any cardroom operator electing to offer a new authorized game shall inform the patrons on the list of authorized games offered by the operator, as required by Section 849.086(7)(e), F.S.  Such list must be conspicuously displayed and a description of all card or domino games must be available for patron review. All games offered must comply with Section 849.086, F.S., and Chapter 61D-11, F.A.C., at all times.

    (3) through (4) No change.

    (a) Live racing or gaming is being or has been conducted at the cardroom operator’s pari-mutuel wagering facility under a license issued pursuant to Section 550.01215, F.S., or Section 550.5251, F.S.; or

    (b) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (5), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 5-9-04, 4-12-06,________.


    61D-11.009 Cardroom Employee Occupational License and Pari-Mutuel/Cardroom Combination License.

    (1) Cardroom or pari-mutuel/cardroom combination licenses shall:

    (a) Be required for:

    1. Cardroom employees who take part in or officiate cardroom activity in any way;

    2. All cardroom supervisors who are designated to supervise, take part in or officiate cardroom activity in any way;

    3. Food service personnel who perform duties that require the licensee to perform any portion of duty within the cardroom area for any purpose;

    4. Maintenance personnel who perform duties that require the licensee to come into contact with or work within the cardroom area at any time and have responsibilities that require physical contact with cardroom furnishings, lockboxes or similar secured items, surveillance equipment or associated support equipment, surrounding structure for any incidental duty that enables in any way unrestricted access to the above-listed items;

    5. Security personnel who perform duties that require the licensee’s presence in the cardroom area for any purpose;

    6. Mutuels teller personnel who perform duties that require the licensee to come into contact with any aspect of cardroom activity, financial activity, management or administration of cardroom information in any way; or

    7. Permitholder management responsible for any aspect of management, supervision, administration or similar functions, or take part in or officiate cardroom activity in any way.

    (b) Not be required for:

    1. Incidental transit through the cardroom area during which time the individual in no way:

    a. Comes in contact with cardroom furnishings, table tops, patrons or patron personal property, lockboxes or similar secured items, surveillance equipment or associated support equipment, surrounding structure for any incidental duty that enables in any way unrestricted access to the above-listed items; or

    b. Takes part in or officiates cardroom activity in any way;

    2. Incidental maintenance work performed under the direct and constant visual supervision of an individual possessing a current cardroom or pari-mutuel/cardroom combination license; and

    3. Food service personnel who perform duties that do not at any time require the employee’s presence within the cardroom area.

    (2)(1) As part of the initial application or renewal for a cardroom employee occupational license provided in Section 849.086, F.S., an applicant shall submit the following:

    (a) through (b) No change.

    (c) The cardroom employee occupational license fee, unless qualified pursuant to Sections 205.171 and 1.01, F.S., of: The $50.00 cardroom employee occupational license fee; and

    1. $50.00 for a cardroom employee occupational license;

    2. $40.00 for a pari-mutuel/cardroom supervisor combination license; or

    3. $10.00 for a pari-mutuel/cardroom employee combination license.

    (d) No change.

    (3)(2) Applicants who intend to work in a position providing food service, maintenance, security, or as a mutuels teller, or in permitholder management, shall apply for a pari-mutuel/cardroom combination occupational license by submitting items (2)(a) (1)(a) through (d) listed above.

    (4)(3) Certified Florida Law Enforcement officers are exempt from the fingerprint requirement.

    (5)(4) All occupational and fingerprint fees are nonrefundable, except in situations where the applicant was charged in error or the applicant withdraws the application before processing begins.

    (6)(5) Request for Waiver of any disqualifying factors in an application that would otherwise be grounds for disapproving the application shall be made on Form DBPR PMW-3180, Request for Waiver, adopted and incorporated by Rule 61D-12.001, F.A.C.

    (7)(6) Prior to transferring, a current pari-mutuel wagering occupational licensee who intends to work in a position performing food service, maintenance, security, mutuels teller, and/or permitholder management duties in the cardroom shall make application for and obtain an upgrade for his or her current pari-mutuel license to a pari-mutuel/cardroom combination license on Form DBPR PMW-3170, License Upgrade Application, adopted and incorporated by Rule 61D-12.001, F.A.C.

    (8)(7) Cardroom employee occupational licenses and pari-mutuel/cardroom combination licenses shall expire on June 30th of every year.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (6) FS. Law Implemented 849.086(6) FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 5-9-04, 3-4-07, ________.


    61D-11.012 Duties of Cardroom Operators.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Cardroom operators shall maintain a current log of persons whose employment with the cardroom operator has been terminated, or the employee resigned, or abandoned his or her position, that includes:

    (a) through (4) No change.

    (5) The cardroom operator must display its the hours of operation in a conspicuous location in the cardroom subject to the following terms and conditions:

    (a) Days and hours of cardroom operation shall be those set forth in the application or renewal of the cardroom  operator’s license, or in the notice of change in the cardroom operator’s hours of operation as required in paragraph (d) below operator. Changes to days and hours of cardroom operation shall be submitted to the division at least seven days prior to proposed implementation;

    (b) When multiple cardroom licenses are used at the same facility, the cardroom operator shall designate which hours of operation apply to its license. The hours of operation for each designated cardroom shall not exceed the number of hours authorized in paragraph (c) below. The licensee’s hours of operation shall be designated as the cardroom’s cumulative hours of operation.

    (c)(b) Pursuant to Section 849.086(7)(b), F.S., a cardroom operator may operate a licensed facility any cumulative 12-hour period within the day for each cardroom license issued;

    (c) Activities such as the buying or cashing out of chips or tokens, seating customers,or completing tournament buy-ins or cash-outs may be done one hour prior to or one hour after the cumulative 12-hour designated hours of operation; and

    (d) A cardroom operator shall submit proposed changes to days and hours of cardroom operation to the division at least seven days prior to proposed implementation; The playing of authorized games shall not occur for more than 12 hours within a day, regardless of the number of pari-mutuel permitholders operating at a pari-mutuel facility.

    (e) When multiple cardroom licenses are used at the same facility within the same designated cardroom gaming area specified in the cardroom operator’s internal controls pursuant to sub-subparagraph 61D-11.019(4)(n)1.d., F.A.C., a period of transition between each licensee’s cumulative hours of operation shall be identified in the cardroom operator’s system of internal controls.  Procedures shall address exchanging the drop boxes for each table and count room operation and security.  Patrons may remain in the cardroom according to the procedures in the system of internal controls if:

    1. The cardroom system of internal controls addresses security requirements during the drop; and

    2. Only the activities listed in subparagraph (5)(f)1.-3. are conducted until the drop has been completed.

    (f) The cardroom operator shall allow only the following activities to be conducted during a period of up to one hour prior to or a period of up to one hour after the cumulative hours of operation:

    1. Buying or cashing out of chips or tokens;

    2. Seating cardroom customers at cardroom tables; or

    3. Completing tournament buy-ins or cash outs.

    (g) The cardroom operator shall not permit the following activities to occur during a period of up to one hour prior to or a period of up to one hour after the cumulative hours of operation:

    1. The handling of the decks of cards by the dealers or dominoes by the dominoes supervisors, even if a deck of cards or dominoes are present on the table; or

    2. The commencement, implementation or conclusion of authorized game play.

    (h) If more than one cardroom operator is licensed to operate a cardroom at the same pari-mutuel facility in the same designated cardroom gaming area specified in the cardroom operator’s internal controls pursuant to sub-subparagraph 61D-11.019(4)(n)1.d., F.A.C., the cardroom operator must provide the following in its internal controls:

    1. Procedures to assure that each cardroom operator’s funds are managed and accounted for separately; and

    2. Count procedures as required in paragraph 61D-11.0175(5)(o), F.A.C.

    (6) No change.

    (7) Cardroom operators are required to issue a photo identification to all cardroom employees. The photo identification shall include, at a minimum, the name of the cardroom facility, cardroom employee occupational license number, the employee’s name, and expiration date of the license.

    (8) through (14) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 5-9-04, 4-12-06, ________.


    61D-11.013 Display of Identification and Possession of Occupational Licenses.

    (1) No change.

    (2) Cardroom occupational licensees may have the option to only wear a facility issued photo identification card if: Cardroom employees shall have their occupational license in their possession and wear it at all times while on duty.

    (a) The employee has the cardroom employee occupational license on their person at all times; and

    (b) The name which is on the photo identification card shall match the name on the cardroom employee occupational license.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (6) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended_________.


    61D-11.014 Cards.

    (1) through (4) No change.

    (5) Each dealer assigned to a card table shall inspect each deck of playing cards intended for use at that table immediately prior to the start of the first round of playInspection of the deck of playing cards shall commence no earlier than the start of the designated cumulative hours of operation for that cardroom license. The assigned dealer must ensure that cards are not taped, cut, shaved, marked, defaced, bent, crimped, or deformed in any fashion that may permit covert identification of the card by players.

    (a) through (b) No change.

    1. The entire deck of cards containing the damaged card or cards shall be removed from play before card play may resume at the card table and the damaged card or cards deck shall be placed in a sealed envelope or container;

    2. The sealed envelope or container shall be marked with the table number, the date, and time the deck was withdrawn from play;

    3. The cardroom supervisor shall sign his/her name across the seal of the envelope or container indicating the supervisor has sealed and inspected the seal prior to storage of the damaged card or cards;

    4. All damaged cards shall be retained for at least 30 days from the date of withdrawal from play; and.

    5. The remaining cards in the deck may be reused for play, after the missing card or cards are replaced and the entire deck is inspected by the dealer as required in paragraph (d) of this rule.

    (c) No change.

    (d) Dealers shall:

    1. Inspect and count all cards in the deck of cards provided for play at his/her card table prior to beginning card play before each game of cards begins;

    2. through (6) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended________.


    61D-11.0145 Dominoes.

    (1) through (2) No change.

    (3) Dominoes shall have a symbol or marking that identifies the domino to the specific facility where it is used for play.

    (3)(4) Sets of dominoes must be locked in a secure location when not in use.

    (4)(5) Prior to use, each domino must be inspected by the dominoes supervisor to ensure that no domino is marked, defaced, chipped, substituted from another set, or deformed.

    (a) through (d) No change.

    (5)(6) Internal controls shall be established for the issuance of all dominoes to the shift supervisor and the dominoes supervisors.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New________.


    61D-11.016 Card and Domino Tables.

    (1) No change.

    (2) Domino tables shall be square with clearly designated areas located at each of the two or four corners of the table for the placement of wagers and the payment of participation fees. The surface of the dominoes table shall be one solid color that will not interfere with the ability of the surveillance system to clearly identify each domino played or the value of chips or tokens in the wagering area. There shall be no imprest tray on a domino table.

    (3) through (6) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended_________.


    61D-11.0175 Count Rooms and Count Procedures.

    (1) through (4)(c) No change.

    (d) A procedure ensuring that no person carry any personal items into the count room, other than those items needed for medical necessity; and

    (e) through (5)(n) No change.

    (o) In the event more than one cardroom license is operated at the facility, a procedure ensuring:

    1. Physical security for procedures at the end of each cardroom licensee’s cumulative hours of operation for:

    a. The drop;

    b. The count of the drop.

    2. Funds from each licensee’s operation are maintained and accounted for separately; and

    3. That prior to beginning the operations for each subsequent license for that day:

    a. Card play ceases at each table during a drop;

    b. The time required pursuant to the cardroom operator’s system of internal controls is maintained for the close out of the licensee’s cumulative hours of operation;

    c. That procedures required pursuant to the cardroom licensee’s internal controls are in place for drop box retrievals and exchanges; and

    d. The drop and count of funds related to each license occur in compliance with all of the requirements of Chapter 61D-11, F.A.C.

    (6) through (6)(e) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New________.


    61D-11.018 Reporting Requirements to Determine Net Proceeds or Gross Revenues.

    (1) through (1)(b) No change.

    (2) For each license operated, cardroom operators shall file a separate Form DBPR PMW-3640, Cardroom Monthly Remittance Report, adopted and incorporated by Rule 61D-12.001, F.A.C., with the division by the fifth day of each month for the preceding month’s cardroom activity.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended 4-12-06, ________.


    61D-11.019 Internal Control System.

    (1) through (4) No change.

    (a) A requirement that a supervisor or the transporter verify all transfers between imprest trays and the cardroom bank with their signature on the transfer document or a procedure in which tokens that display monetary amounts, commonly referred to as a lammers, are used by cardroom floor staff to authorize and document transfers between imprest trays and cardroom banks;

    (b) through (c) No change.

    (d) The designation of a cashier cage methodology for or as a method of controlling the control and accounting for of funds within the cashier cage that are part of the cardroom bank as an alternative to an imprest bank if designated in the internal controls;

    (e) through (j) No change.

    (k) The methodology for administration of jackpot payouts shall include:

    1. Documentation of whether the payment was made in chips, tokens, currency, or by check, or any combination thereof; and Payouts for jackpots may be made in chips, tokens, or currency if the amount of the distribution is equal to or less than $4,999.99; and

    2. That the patron shall have the option to select the type of payment. A combination of check, chips, tokens, or currency shall be used for all jackpot payments greater than $4,999.99.

    (l) through (s)3. No change.

    (t) The methodology for maintenance of any jackpot rake funds withheld for cash payment of jackpot winnings for the following cardroom gaming day; and

    (u) The methodology for administration of Texas Hold’em without a betting limit when a player moves to an active table because play at a previous table is terminated due to circumstances beyond the player’s control, pursuant to paragraph 61D-11.004(2)(a), F.A.C.

    (5) through (5)(c) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 1-7-97, Amended ________.


    61D-11.025 Cardroom Electronic Surveillance.

    (1) through (3) No change.

    (4) The surveillance system and equipment shall employ digital electronic technology with the acuity and clarity that is no less than that provided by magnetic tape systems. The digital surveillance equipment installed at cardroom facilities shall provide the capability equal to or better than that required by this rule no later than January 1, 2009. The digital surveillance equipment shall:

    (a) through (5)(b)2. No change.

    3. The surveillance room pursuant to subsection (17)(16) of this rule.

    (c) through (10) No change.

    (11)(g) Reasonable effort must be made to repair each malfunction of surveillance system equipment required by this rule within seventy-two (72) hours after the malfunction is discovered. Within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery, the licensee shall notify the division via facsimile transmission of the equipment malfunction. If a malfunction is not repaired within seven (7) days after it is discovered, causing the licensee to be in non-compliance with this rule, the licensee must immediately notify the division via facsimile transmission of the failure to repair.

    (12)(11) All tapes and other electronic surveillance recordings shall be:

    (a) through (c) No change.

    (13)(12) The surveillance system must possess the capability to monitor, identify, and record the activities of the patrons and dealers at each table in a manner that provides 100 percent camera coverage of the cardroom at all times.

    (14)(13) Each operator shall maintain a log of all surveillance activities in the surveillance room that shall include:

    (a) through (g) No change.

    (15)(14) When surveillance equipment malfunctions and fails to operate as required by this rule:

    (a) through (c)4. No change.

    (16)(15) The surveillance system shall provide back-up for video or audio recording during the repair and replacement time.

    (17)(16) The activity within the surveillance room shall be continuously recorded.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New 10-21-97, Amended________.


    61D-11.0279 Jackpots, Prizes, and Giveaways.

    (1) through (1)(a) No change.

    (b) Post the jackpot rake for each authorized game in the cardroom at each table;

    (c) Ensure that:

    1. For jackpot proceeds, an additional drop box is installed on the left hand side of tables or another area of the table as specified in the cardroom’s system of internal controls for jackpot proceeds;

    2. through 6. No change.

    7. All revenue from the jackpot drop is accumulated separately from other revenue and shall be:

    a. Deposited daily into a separate non-interest bearing bank account; or

    b. Held as cash on hand:

    (I) In a holding location or cash box;

    (II) To be available for payment of winning jackpots for the following day, as specified in the approved system of internal controls;

    (III) To be transferred from the jackpot count to  the temporary holding location or cash box under surveillance camera until the next day; and

    (IV) To be retrieved the next day and to be used to pay jackpots in cash;

    8. through 10. No change.

    11. The internal controls will state whether a maximum jackpot threshold limit is established. The internal controls shall state if a threshold is selected, when the designated threshold is achieved, the series of cards comprising the hand winning the jackpot shall be changed to a series of cards that has a higher probability of occurring.

    (2) through (3)(c) No change.

    1. The name, address, and telephone number of each winner. Address and telephone numbers shall not be required for winners of jackpots less than the Internal Revenue Service threshold;

    2. The check number if paid by check;

    3. A copy of the winner’s identification for winnings which meet the Internal Revenue Service threshold required minimum of $1,000 per wagering pool pursuant to 26 CFR 31.3402(q)-1, Aug. 18, 2000, adopted and incorporated by reference; and

    4. A copy of any forms required to be filed by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to 26 CFR 31.3402(q)-1, Aug. 18, 2000, adopted and incorporated by reference.

    (5) through (8) No change.

    Specific Authority 550.0251(12), 849.086(4), (11) FS. Law Implemented 849.086 FS. History–New________.