25-6.115. Facility Charges for Conversion of Existing Overhead Investor-owned Distribution Facilities  

Effective on Thursday, December 10, 2020
  • 1(1) Each investor-owned utility shall file a tariff showing the non-refundable deposit amounts for standard applications addressing the conversion of existing overhead electric distribution facilities to underground facilities. The tariff shall include the general provisions and terms under which the public utility and applicant may enter into a contract for the purpose of converting existing overhead facilities to underground facilities. The non-refundable deposit amounts shall be calculated in the same manner as the engineering costs for underground facilities serving each of the following scenarios: urban commercial, urban residential, rural residential, existing low-density single family home subdivision and existing high-density single family home subdivision service areas.

    106(2) For purposes of this rule, the applicant is the person or entity requesting the conversion of existing overhead electric distribution facilities to underground facilities. In the instance where a local ordinance requires developers to install underground facilities, the developer who actually requests the construction for a specific location is deemed the applicant for purposes of this rule.

    164(3) Nothing in the tariff shall prevent the applicant from constructing and installing all or a portion of the underground distribution facilities provided:

    187(a) Such work meets the investor-owned utility’s construction standards;

    196(b) The investor-owned utility will own and maintain the completed distribution facilities; and

    209(c) Such agreement is not expected to cause the general body of ratepayers to incur additional costs.

    226(4) Nothing in the tariff shall prevent the applicant from requesting a non-binding cost estimate which shall be provided to the applicant free of any charge or fee.

    254(5) Upon an applicant’s request and payment of the deposit amount, an investor-owned utility shall provide a binding cost estimate for providing underground electric service.

    279(6) An applicant shall have at least 180 days from the date the estimate is received to enter into a contract with the public utility based on the binding cost estimate. The deposit amount shall be used to reduce the charge as indicated in subsection (7) only when the applicant enters into a contract with the public utility within 180 days from the date the estimate is received by the applicant, unless this period is extended by mutual agreement of the applicant and the utility.

    364(7) The charge paid by the applicant shall be the charge for the proposed underground facilities as indicated in subsection (8) minus the charge for overhead facilities as indicated in subsection (9) minus the non-refundable deposit amount. The applicant shall not be required to pay an additional amount which exceeds 10 percent of the binding cost estimate.

    421(8) For the purpose of this rule, the charge for the proposed underground facilities shall include:

    437(a) The estimated cost of construction of the underground distribution facilities based on the requirements of Rule 25-6.030, F.A.C., Storm Protection Plan, Rule 46025-6.034, 461F.A.C., Standard of Construction, Rule 46625-6.0341, 467F.A.C., Location of the Utility’s Electric Distribution Facilities, and Rule 47725-6.0345, 478F.A.C., Safety Standards for Construction of New Transmission and Distribution Facilities, including the construction cost of the underground service lateral(s) to the meter(s) of the customer(s); and

    505(b) The estimated remaining net book value of the existing facilities to be removed less the estimated net salvage value of the facilities to be removed.

    531(9) For the purpose of this rule, the charge for overhead facilities shall be the estimated construction cost to build new overhead facilities, including the service drop(s) to the meter(s) of the customer(s). Estimated construction costs shall be based on the requirements of Rule 25-6.030, F.A.C., Storm Protection Plan, Rule 58125-6.034, 582F.A.C., Standard of Construction, Rule 58725-6.0341, 588F.A.C., Location of the Utility’s Electric Distribution Facilities, and Rule 59825-6.0345, 599F.A.C., Safety Standards for Construction of New Transmission and Distribution Facilities.

    610(10) An applicant requesting construction of underground distribution facilities under this rule may challenge the utility’s cost estimates pursuant to Rule 63125-22.032, 632F.A.C.

    633(11) For purposes of computing the charges required in subsections (8) and (9):

    646(a) The utility shall include the Net Present Value of operational costs including the average historical storm restoration costs for comparable facilities over the expected life of the facilities.

    675(b) If the applicant chooses to construct or install all or a part of the requested facilities, all utility costs, including overhead assignments, avoided by the utility due to the applicant assuming responsibility for construction shall be excluded from the costs charged to the customer, or if the full cost has already been paid, credited to the customer. At no time will the costs to the customer be less than zero.

    746(12) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to prevent any utility from waiving all or any portion of the cost for providing underground facilities. If, however, the utility waives any charge, the utility shall reduce net plant in service as though those charges had been collected unless the Commission determines that there is quantifiable benefits to the general body of ratepayers commensurate with the waived charge.

    813(13) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to grant any investor-owned electric utility any right, title or interest in real property owned by a local government.

    840Rulemaking Authority 842350.127(2), 843366.05(1) FS. 845Law Implemented 847366.03, 848366.04, 849366.05 FS. 851History–New 9-21-92, Amended 2-1-07, 12-10-20.