Florida Administrative Code (Last Updated: December 2, 2024) |
65. Department of Children and Families |
65C. Family Safety and Preservation Program |
65C-15. Child-Placing Agencies |
1(1) 2Financial Ability. The child-placing agency must provide written documentation of financial ability to operate.
16(a) Initial Operational Expenses. 20Child-placing a22gencies beginning operation must have the capital necessary for a six (6) month period of operation.
38(b) Annual Budget. The 42child-placing 43agency must prepare a written budget annually 50of anticipated income and expenditures necessary to provide the services described in its statement of purpose. The child placing agency must provide the annual budget to the Department.
78(c) Financial Audit. The 82child-placing 83agency must have its financial records audited annually. All audit reports must be submitted at time of license renewal and available to the Department upon request at any time during the licensing year.
1161. Financial audits are required for child-placing agencies who expend equal to or in excess of the threshold, as outlined in Section 138215.97, F.S. 140Annual audits must be conducted by an independent certified public accountant (CPA) licensed pursuant to Chapter 473, F.S.
1582. Child-placing agencies that do not meet the audit threshold must provide proof of a financial review conducted by an external auditor or an independent certified public accountant (CPA) licensed pursuant to Chapter 473, F.S.
193(2) Fees and Costs.
197(a) When fees for services, including adoption and foster care services, are charged, the 211child-placing 212agency must have a fee schedule disclosing all fees for services. This schedule must list the specific services covered by each fee.
2341. The child-placing agency must file the fee schedule with the Department at licensure and when changes are made to the fee schedule during the licensing year.
2612. Adoption fees must be established based on the costs of services outlined in Section 27663.097, F.S. 278The child-placing agencies must have the fee schedule reviewed by the Department annually and when updates are made to ensure that the schedule complies with Section 30463.097, F.S., 306for adoption related services.
310(b) This fee schedule must be given to all persons requesting services from the child-placing agency. The child-placing agency must provide individuals with the fee schedule at the time the application is made.
3431. A fee agreement and any modifications to it must be executed with each applicant.
3582. The fee agreement must list the fees charged and the services to be provided, including provisions for payment.
377(3) Where payments are made to foster parents:
385(a) The 387child-placing 388agency must have a written payment schedule and statement on payment procedures; and,
401(b) The 403child-placing 404agency must provide foster parents with written notification of changes in the schedule 417at least 30 calendar days prior to the change426.
427(4) The 429child-placing 430agency must not require applicants, adoptive parents or their representatives to provide gratuities, such as money or other things of value or services, beyond the established fee.
457(5) Adoption entities as defined in Section 46463.032, F.S., 466must submit information quarterly in accordance with Section 47463.097, F.S., 476to the Department’s electronic system located on the Department’s website.
486(a) This information must be submitted no later than the 15th day of the month following the preceding quarter.
505(b) An adoption entity that finalizes an adoption within a quarter must attest no later than the 15th day of the month following the preceding quarter that all finalized adoptions have been reported in the Department’s electronic system located on the Department’s website.
548(c) For purposes of this subsection, the reporting quarters are:
5581. Quarter 1 is January through March,
5652. Quarter 2 is April through June,
5723. Quarter 3 is July through September, and
5804. Quarter 4 is October through December.
587Rulemaking Authority 58963.233, 590409.175 FS. 592Law Implemented 59463.097, 595409.175 FS. 597History–New 12-19-90, Formerly 10M-24.019, Amended 11-14-16, 11-24-24.