69L-6. Workers' Compensation Compliance  

69L-6.007. Compensation Notice
69L-6.009. Forms and Instructions
69L-6.012. Notice of Election to be Exempt
69L-6.015. Record Maintenance and Production Requirements for Employers
69L-6.018. Misclassification of Employees as Independent Contractors
69L-6.019. Policies and Endorsements Covering Employees Engaged in Work in Florida
69L-6.021. Construction Industry Classification Codes, Descriptions, and Operations Scope of Exemption
69L-6.022. Confidentiality of Records Produced by the Division (Repealed)
69L-6.024. Subcontractors Requirement Regarding Proof of Coverage
69L-6.025. Conditional Release of Stop-Work Order and Periodic Payment Agreement
69L-6.026. F.A.C. Periodic Reports (Repealed)
69L-6.027. Penalty Calculation Worksheet
69L-6.028. Procedures for Imputing Payroll and Penalty Calculations
69L-6.029. Employer Worksites
69L-6.030. Penalties for Employers Currently in Compliance Previously Failing to Secure the Payment of Compensation
69L-6.031. Stop-Work Orders in Effect Against Successor Corporations or Business Entities
69L-6.032. Contractor Requirements For Obtaining Evidence That Subcontractors Possess Workers' Compensation Insurance or Otherwise Comply with Chapter 440, F.S.
69L-6.035. Definition of Payroll for Calculating Penalty
69L-6.036. Online Workers’ Compensation Coverage and Compliance Tutorial for 15% Penalty Reduction