69O-149. Filing Of Forms And Rates For Life/Health Insurance  

69O-149.002. Scope and Applicability
69O-149.003. Rate Filing Procedures
69O-149.004. Experience Records
69O-149.005. Reasonableness of Benefits in Relation to Premiums
69O-149.006. Actuarial Memorandum
69O-149.007. Annual Rate Certification (ARC) Filing Procedures
69O-149.008. Loss Ratio Guarantee Filings
69O-149.010. Refusal to Insure Based on Geographical Location
69O-149.020. Purpose and Scope
69O-149.021. Form Filing Procedures
69O-149.022. Forms Adopted
69O-149.023. Review
69O-149.024. Prohibited Policies
69O-149.0025. Definitions
69O-149.030. Purpose
69O-149.031. Applicability and Scope; Penalties
69O-149.032. Requirement to Insure Entire Groups
69O-149.033. Consideration of Industry
69O-149.037. Calculation of Premium Rates
69O-149.038. Employee Health Care Access Act Statement Reporting Requirement
69O-149.039. Designation of Election to Become a Risk-Assuming or Reinsuring Carrier Under Section 627.6699, Florida Statutes, the Employee Health Care Access Act
69O-149.040. Change of Status of Small Employer Carrier's Election to Become Risk-Assuming Carrier or Reinsuring Carrier
69O-149.041. Marketing Communication Material and Marketing Guidelines
69O-149.043. Small Employer Health Reinsurance Program
69O-149.044. Forms
69O-149.052. Establishing a Self-Funded Health Benefit Plan
69O-149.053. On-Going Review of the Self-Funded Health Benefit Plan
69O-149.054. Forms Incorporated by Reference
69O-149.0055. Healthy Lifestyle Rebate
69O-149.200. Purpose
69O-149.201. Scope
69O-149.202. Standard Risk Rate
69O-149.203. Group Conversion Premium
69O-149.204. Outline of Coverage (Repealed)
69O-149.205. Indemnity Standard Risk Rate
69O-149.206. Preferred Provider/Exclusive Provider Standard Risk Rates
69O-149.207. Health Maintenance Organization Standard Risk Rates