Vol. 40, No. 135 (07/14/2014)
1. Notices of Changes, Corrections and Withdrawals
- Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
- Division of Food, Nutrition and Wellness
2. Petitions and Dispositions Regarding Rule Variance or Waiver
- Department of Law Enforcement
- Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
- Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
- Department of Health
- Division of Environmental Health
- Board of Massage Therapy
- Board of Medicine
- Division of Environmental Health
3. Notices of Meetings, Workshops and Public Hearings
- Department of Children and Families
- Departmental
- Departmental
- Commission on Ethics
- Departmental
- Departmental
- Other Agencies and Organizations
- Enterprise Florida, Inc.
- Enterprise Florida, Inc.
- Public Service Commission
- Departmental
- Departmental
- Florida Housing Finance Corporation
- Departmental
- Departmental
- Agency for Health Care Administration
- Medicaid
- Medicaid
- Water Management Districts
- Suwannee River Water Management District
- Suwannee River Water Management District
- Other Agencies and Organizations
- Omni Communications
- Omni Communications
4. Notices of Petitions and Dispositions Regarding Declaratory Stat
- Department of Health
- Board of Massage Therapy
- Board of Massage Therapy
- Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
- Division of Licensing
- Division of Licensing
- Department of Health
- Board of Respiratory Care
- Board of Respiratory Care
5. Notices Regarding Bids, Proposals and Purchasing
- Metropolitan Planning Organizations
- Pinellas County Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Pinellas County Metropolitan Planning Organization
- Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
- Departmental
- Departmental
- Other Agencies and Organizations
- Jacksonville Port Authority
- Jacksonville Port Authority
6. Miscellaneous
- Department of Environmental Protection
- Departmental
- Departmental
- Department of Health
- Departmental
- Board of Nursing
- Board of Osteopathic Medicine
- Board of Massage Therapy
- Board of Pharmacy
- Departmental
- Agency for Health Care Administration
- Certificate of Need
- Certificate of Need
- Department of Health
- Board of Nursing
- Board of Nursing