25-30. Water And Wastewater Utility Rules  

25-30.010. Rules for General Application
25-30.011. Application and Scope
25-30.020. Fees Required to be Paid by Water and Wastewater Utilities
25-30.025. Official Date of Filing
25-30.029. Legal Description of Service Area
25-30.030. Notice of Application and of Customer Meeting
25-30.031. Written Objection
25-30.032. Applications
25-30.033. Application for Original Certificate of Authorization and Initial Rates and Charges
25-30.034. Application for Original Certificate of Authorization for Existing Utility Currently Charging for Service
25-30.035. Application for Original Certificate of Authorization Following Rescission of Jurisdiction by a County
25-30.036. Application for Amendment to Certificate of Authorization to Extend or Delete Service Area
25-30.037. Application for Authority to Transfer
25-30.038. Application for Transfer to a Governmental Authority
25-30.039. Notice of Name Change
25-30.050. Municipal or County Franchise Fee
25-30.055. Systems with a Capacity or Proposed Capacity to Serve 100 or Fewer Persons
25-30.090. Abandonments
25-30.091. Petition to Revoke Water Certificate of Authorization
25-30.110. Records and Reports; Annual Reports
25-30.115. Uniform System of Accounts for Water and Wastewater Utilities
25-30.116. Allowance for Funds Used During Construction
25-30.117. Accounting for Pension Costs
25-30.120. Regulatory Assessment Fees; Water and Wastewater Utilities
25-30.125. System Maps and Records
25-30.130. Record of Complaints
25-30.135. Tariffs, Rules and Miscellaneous Requirements
25-30.140. Depreciation
25-30.145. Audit Access to Records
25-30.210. Definitions
25-30.225. Plant and Facilities
25-30.230. Service Facilities
25-30.231. Extent of System Which Utility Shall Maintain
25-30.235. Safety
25-30.240. Change in Character of Service
25-30.245. Accidents
25-30.250. Continuity of Service
25-30.251. Record and Report of Interruptions
25-30.255. Measurement of Service for Water Utilities
25-30.260. Meter Installation
25-30.261. Meter Readings
25-30.262. Meter Accuracy Requirements
25-30.263. Meter Test Methods
25-30.264. Meter Testing Equipment
25-30.265. Periodic Meter Tests
25-30.266. Meter Test by Request
25-30.267. Record of Meter Tests
25-30.310. Initiation of Service
25-30.311. Customer Deposits
25-30.315. Temporary Service
25-30.320. Refusal or Discontinuance of Service
25-30.325. Termination of Service by Customer
25-30.330. Information to Customers
25-30.335. Customer Billing
25-30.340. Adjustment of Bills for Meter Error
25-30.345. Customer Service Charges
25-30.350. Underbillings and Overbillings for Water and Wastewater Service
25-30.351. Unauthorized Use
25-30.355. Complaints
25-30.360. Refunds
25-30.0371. Acquisition Adjustments
25-30.0372. Alternative Procedure for Establishing Rate Base Value of Acquired Utility System
25-30.410. Definitions
25-30.415. Return on Common Equity
25-30.420. Establishment of Price Index, Adjustment of Rates; Requirement of Bond; Filings After Adjustment; Notice to Customers
25-30.425. Pass Through Rate Adjustment
25-30.430. Test Year Approval
25-30.431. Used and Useful Consideration
25-30.432. Wastewater Treatment Plant Used and Useful Calculations
25-30.433. Rate Case Proceedings
25-30.434. Application for Allowance for Funds Prudently Invested (AFPI) Charges
25-30.436. General Information and Instructions Required of Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for Rate Increase
25-30.437. Financial, Rate, and Engineering Minimum Filing Requirements for Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for Rate Increase
25-30.438. Information Required in Application for Rate Increase From Utilities with Related Parties (Repealed)
25-30.440. Additional Engineering Information Required of Class A and B Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for Rate Increase (Repealed)
25-30.442. Duplicate Information
25-30.443. Minimum Filing Requirements for Class C Water and Wastewater Utilities (Repealed)
25-30.444. Utility Reserve Fund
25-30.445. General Information and Instructions Required of Water and Wastewater Utilities in an Application for a Limited Proceeding
25-30.446. Notice of and Public Information for Application for Limited Proceeding Rate Increase
25-30.450. Burden of Proof and Audit Provisions
25-30.455. Staff Assistance in Rate Cases
25-30.456. Staff Assistance in Alternative Rate Setting
25-30.457. Limited Alternative Rate Increase
25-30.458. Notice of and Public Information for Application for Limited Alternative Rate Increase
25-30.460. Application for Miscellaneous Service Charges
25-30.465. Private Fire Protection Rates
25-30.475. Effective Date of Approved Tariffs
25-30.510. Applicability
25-30.515. Definitions
25-30.520. Responsibility of Utility to Provide Service
25-30.525. Application for Extension of Service
25-30.530. Response to Applications for Extension of Service Within a Utility's Certificated Territory, Cost Estimates
25-30.540. Agreements for Service, Performance Under Agreements
25-30.545. Construction
25-30.550. Filing of Agreements; Approval of Contracts
25-30.555. Guaranteed Revenue Agreements
25-30.560. Disputes
25-30.565. Application for Approval of New or Revised Service Availability Policy or Charges
25-30.570. Imputation of Contributions-in-Aid-of-Construction
25-30.580. Guidelines for Designing Service Availability Policy
25-30.585. Developer Service Availability Charges
25-30.4325. Water Treatment and Storage Used and Useful Calculations
25-30.4345. Notice of Applications for New or Revised Service Availability Charges or Policies and Notice of Applications for Allowance for Funds Prudently Invested (AFPI) Charges
25-30.4385. Additional Rate Information Required in Application for Rate Increase (Repealed)
25-30.4415. Additional Information Required in Application for Rate Increase by Utilities Seeking to Recover the Cost of Investment in the Public Interest
25-30.4445. Notice of Application for Utility Reserve Fund
25-30.4575. Operating Ratio Methodology
25-30.4705. Calculation of Rate Reduction After Rate Case Expense is Amortized